mindhealthconnect is the easy way to find mental health and wellbeing information, support and services from Australia’s leading health providers, together in one place. Supported by the Australian Government, mindhealthconnect helps you to find information you can trust. [click logo]

Three million Australians are currently experiencing anxiety or depression. Every day, nearly eight people take their own lives. Because this affects all of us, we’re equipping everyone in Australia with the knowledge and skills to protect their own mental health. We’re giving people the confidence to support those around them, and making anxiety, depression and suicide part of everyday conversations. And as well as tackling stigma, prejudice and discrimination, we’re breaking down the barriers that prevent people from speaking up and reaching out. We're here for everyone in Australia – at work, home, school, university, online, and in communities across the country. [click logo]

KidsMatter is an Australian mental health and well-being initiative set in primary schools and early childhood education and care services (like preschools, kindergartens and day care centers). It’s a framework that helps these places take care of children's mental health needs by: *creating positive school and early childhood communities, *teaching children skills for good social and emotional development, *working together with families, * recognizing and getting help for children with mental health problems. KidsMatter was developed by mental health professionals and education and childcare staff in response to the high rates of school-age children with mental health difficulties and the problems they face getting help. It is is a partnership between the education and health sectors and is funded by the Australian Government and beyondblue. [click logo]

We provide people with the tools they need to manage their own health and wellbeing – improving health literacy, ensuring 24 hours a day / 7 days a week access and directing people to appropriate services where and when they need them. We’re using all of the available technology channels that people want and expect to use, and that provide the best value for money. [click logo]

Our mission is to give mental health and suicide prevention national attention, to influence reform and to help people live contributing lives by reporting, advising and collaborating. [click logo]

Our 1300 number (1300 OZHELP) can be accessed anywhere around the country, along with our two phone apps that provide information about the signs of depression, recognizing signs of suicidal thoughts and where to go for help for yourself or someone else. [click logo]

Going through tough times? Stress, anxiety and feeling down can affect anyone, and in fact happens to a lot of us at some point in our lives. We all have good days and bad days. However, if you're feeling sad, down or anxious and these feelings have started to affect what you would normally enjoy or do, then it's important to find out what's going on and what you can do about it. [click logo]

The OzHarvest Market is Australia’s first ever rescued food supermarket, stocked with produce that has either been donated or would otherwise go to waste but is perfectly edible. Based on a ‘take what you need, give if you can’ philosophy, our purpose is to make rescued food available to everyone, especially those who need it most. Address: 147 Anzac Parade, Kensington, NSW 2033. Opening hours: 10am – 2pm, Tuesday – Friday. [click logo]

If you find yourself in an immediate crisis and in need of material or financial assistance, we have help available. Our aim is to meet your immediate material needs, whilst working to understanding your situation. We want to assist you with any underlying long-term issues to prevent you from falling into, or deeper into, the poverty cycle. [click logo]

As costs for day-to-day expenses such as rent, food, and power continue to rise, a setback such as a sickness, loss of a job or an unexpected bill can make you feel your financial situation is getting out of control. Anglicare can provide immediate practical assistance and longer-term solutions to help you build a more hopeful future. [click logo]

Anyone who is experiencing financial hardship may benefit from the service. Our call center staff will forward your request for assistance to the volunteer members located nearest to you. Our volunteer members will then make a home visit and provide relevant assistance. Emergency relief may be given in the form of food parcels, food vouchers, and assistance with utility bills, clothing, furniture, and referral. The assistance given is based on the assessment conducted by our volunteer members at the time of the home visit. [click logo]