Mental Illness Infographic 2

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Of the eight million people living in NSW in 2017-18, approximately:
  • 1.3 million will experience a mental illness
  • 1.8 million are at risk
  • 244,000 will experience a severe mental illness including:
    • 40,000 aged 17 years and under
    • 161,000 aged 18-64 years
    • 43,000 aged 65 years and over
  • 80,000 will be carers for people with mental illness
    Source: © 2019 NSW Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health

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by Aloy L. Counsellor, Author, Speaker. He has rigorously trained in counselling and psychotherapy, served full-time in ministries, and worked businesses on solid principles. His calling and mission are to counsel, write, and speak Hope to all.

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